Welcome back!

It sounds like you got a good month of rest! 😄

I'm scared about taking a break myself - because I keep hearing that being consistent in posting is a way to build an audience (which, if you look at my subscribers count, is actually not enough - but between trying to create a new post, work, and life, it's been hard to fit time and energy to look up how to do marketing 😅).

Of course, then I run into the issue of not wanting to put out anything that I think is too banal - so I end up writing much longer posts/stories/etc. than can be sustained by "consistency".

So..., maybe I should take a page out of your book - take a break and reevaluate my writing goals.

Sorry - that was a bit rambly... 😅

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I enjoy your rambles, ramble away!

I just had to take the plunge and do it. The work will never be done, I get it!

I still emailed too over this break. My definition of taking a break is flexible haha

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Haha, yeah - though I think have a "flexible break" works for those of us in more creativity spaces, since we never know when inspiration will strike!

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