Another slow-build thriller that I enjoyed! 😄

However, as with the last story, I'm not sure if the ending is intended to be that abrupt?

I don't know what exactly the intention is, but I do find that less satisfying than some of the previous stories which did have a more conclusive ending.

I also found some of the transitions between the past and present day scenes to be very jarring - most of them took me a moment to fully recognize that we were jumping through time again, which did break the flow of reading for me.

I did really enjoy the relationship between Thomas and Devika (as well as their parents as supporting characters), and the build up to the reveal of the knife and book in the time capsule was done very well!

(Sorry, I hope this feedback is helpful.)

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Super helpful!! I think this is one of my weaker ones in the collection. I still haven't figured it out! The areas that you mention, transitions, the end.

I might need to actually lay this one out and outline it. I hope the bones are there! 🤞 I really like this one. I just need to figure out how to make it work!!

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Good luck!

I really think that this story has good bones!

Just needs more... flesh? Cartilage? Whatever it is that connects the bones and allows them to do what bones do! (Can you tell that I'm not a doctor?) 😅

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