Hi Everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve sent an update. I went back to work after being on maternity leave. I was out for almost six months! There is so much gratitude for having that time at home with my daughter. I am also thrilled to be back in the classroom (my day job is a middle school social studies teacher). It has been busy to say the least. No new story there, just the regular work life balance.
In Writing (and Reading) News
With pregnancy, postpartum, and taking care of a newborn, my free time has understandably been widdled away. I feel like reading and writing is like working a muscle. Just like our actual muscles weaken when we don’t move our bodies, my stamina with writing (and reading) really suffered as my life transformed. It’s been a whole proces (a lot of self-forgiveness when focusing is just not happening). I feel like this month, my writing and reading muscle is getting closer to normal! It’s awesome to be able to sit down with a book when the baby is napping or hit my word count goals!
So I’ve been working on some new short stories and polishing up older ones. I'm still hanging out in the Marredbury universe a lot, but I’ve been feeling the novel itch lately. I want to start thinking about my next big project (a final to the Daughter of Isis triology, perhaps??)
In Publishing News
In case you missed it, my newest short story review is posted. Check it out!
In other news, the third episode of Marredbury will be sent to your inboxes this month. I’ve been receiving some great feedback from readers. I’d love to hear more! I am sharing this early draft of Marredbury to get a feel about how the project holds together. Blending the two story lines is a challenge. I’d love to hear from readers what is working and what could use improvement.
On another note, I’ve been playing with book cover design for Marredbury. I’m far from a cover designer, but I enjoy playing with the imagery. There’s a lot to learn! That’s the overwhelming part. I’m not quite ready to share a draft of the cover yet. There’s something missing, but I haven’t figured it out yet….
Indie Highlight
I have recently gotten to know another Substack author,
and I’ve been enjoying his work. I find that his stories vary with the topic, but they all have a speculative element to them. I enjoy the variety. His newsletter, "Realms of Roush” takes you to new realms every month with sci-fi and fantasy stories. Read and listen to the newest story, 'You've Discovered a Dreamium Feature'I also want to share “My Girl” one more time (I shared it last month? The month before? I’ve lost track…) I forgot to add it to the original post that was sent to your inboxes. I added the rec later, but I know a lot of you missed it. This is a creepy short story about the length a woman goes to for her unborn child.

That’s all I have for you today. Any spooky plans for Fall? I’d love to hear about them, let me know!
good luck with your book cover design! and i’m totally gonna read that short story. iiiiiiiit’s spoopy season.