About Indie Fiction Digest
Welcome to Indie Fiction Digest, where readers can find indie authors and the wonderful work they are putting out in the world. I am Reina Cruz, an indie author, who has struggled to find fellow writers who have decided to skip the gatekeepers of traditional publishing and take on the publishing business themselves.
By subscribing to Indie Fiction Digest, you will receive weekly emails. These emails include:
reviews of short stories (spotlighting those genre fiction writers in small press magazines and on their own independent pages) TEMPORARY HAITUS RETURNING SOON
a monthly update of my writing life
discussion on the status of the publishing and reading world TEMPORARY HAITUS RETURNING SOON
Short speculative fiction
I look forward to hearing from you. The publishing industry is moving fast and it’s through talking with other readers and writers that I find I grow as an author (and a person).
You can also find my work on the following platforms:
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Paid subscribers: Access to weekly posts, including audio versions of fiction work (not all of the stories will have audio versions, but the ones that do will be provided to paid subscribers), archived posts, and e-book versions of my novels
Founding Members (for those super fans): Access to all fiction and posts, as well as one signed novel of your choice.
All support is greatly appreciated. I am so happy to have you hear.