Hi Readers,
It has been a busy month! I just wanted to give a quick update and get back to working on the next Marredbury episode to (hopefully 🤞) have it ready enough next week to share.
Our Travels
We’ve been staying busy this month with travel. My brother announced a couple years ago that he and his fiance (now wife) have decided to host their wedding in Italy! The long awaited trip was this month. We had an amazing time. Absolutely no writing got done (though I still brought my laptop with delusional plans). Instead I did lots of reading, exploring, and wine drinking. My husband and I left our daughter with his mom and sister and we took a two week trip by ourselves! I had never had such a mix of emotions. Took me about four days to miss my daughter like crazy, but we had a wonderful time. The wedding was gorgeous. Everyone was happy 💖My dress dragged on the ground the whole night of the wedding and I now have to give it a good wash in our bathtub, giving me flashbacks to my own wedding (the repeated tales of a shorty).
The wedding took place in southern Italy. My husband and I took our time on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and visited Barcelona (my husband now has plans to retire there), Madrid (BEAUTIFUL! I’d rather the retire there), Rome, and southern Italy.
It was an amazing trip and I am also so happy to be home. It has taken me most of this week to get back into the groove (thought I had to hit the ground running at work with parent teacher conferences). I’m getting back to my early morning yoga and writing before my daughter wakes up, trying to get rest in, and really looking forward to the coming weekend where we have ZERO plans (except laundry…)
In other news
I am so excited to share that my work will be read by an actor at an event in Davis California, Stories on Stage!
On October 13th, in honor of the spooky season, Kelly Ogden will be reading “If a Tree Fell”, featured in episode 6 of Marredbury. I’ll get to meet Kelly the day of and enjoy the performance along with another author’s work. I’ll be dragging my husband and daughter to this Sunday event. I can’t wait!
That is all for now. My daughter has started crying (up twenty minutes early… come on girlie!) I’m off to get toddler cuddles and get our breakfast ready. Wish me luck with episode 12! I’m looking forward to sharing it with you all :)
Do you have any spooky plans for the season? September and October are two of my favorite months between birthdays and Halloween. I’d love to hear what you guys are doing to celebrate the scary!
So glad to hear that you had a good time, and congrats on getting to have your story read at Stories on Stage - that's awesome! 😄