In a near-future city haunted by its own dark history, evil lurks beneath the surface. Enter Marredbury, a chilling serial anthology that weaves together a tapestry of haunting tales from the past and a contemporary digital nightmare.
Carla Bird, an unsuspecting IT professional, is thrust into a strange project involving the decryption of files from the abandoned Colby Corp site in Old Town Marredbury. Little does she know that these files hold the eerie stories of the town's namesake. From Gigi Talcon's peculiar gardenias to the unforeseen consequences of a night of recreational drug use, Carla can't dismiss these narratives as mere fiction, especially as she witnesses unsettling occurrences in her new surroundings.
Driven by curiosity, Carla embarks on a quest for answers, only to find herself confronted with more perplexing questions that all point back to Colby Corp. As New Marredbury takes on a sinister aura, Carla's fear intensifies. Will the company's relentless pursuit of secrecy turn her into their next target?
Prepare for a thrilling journey through Marredbury, a town scarred by horror. Experience a gripping blend of chilling short stories from the past and Carla's harrowing digital encounters in ColbyStream. MARREDBURY offers a unique and unforgettable narrative that will captivate fans of NETFLIX'S FEAR STREET and the atmospheric storytelling of SILVIA MORENO-GARCIA. Get ready for a bone-chilling descent into a world like no other.
Marredbury is here!
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Table of Contents
Episode 1: The Happening on Little Valley Road
Episode 2: Hydrosortisone
Episode 3: Gigi Talcon’s Award Winning Gardenias
Episode 4: Horror Shop
Episode 5: Happy and Fortunate
Episode 6: If a Tree Fell
Episode 7: Small and Brave
Episode 8: President of the HOA
Episode 9 Icarus
Episode 10: Consider her Ways
Episode 11: Run
Episode 12: Take Twice a Day with Bourbon
Episode 13: Copies