Due to lack of time (is there seriously only 24 hours in a day? And we sleep away at least a third of that time??), I was not able to finish preparing Episode 8 of Marredbury. I was so close! Made me a bit cranky yesterday morning when I officially had to accept that it was going to be late.
Also, April is going to be a month off of deadlines for me. The first quarter of the year is finishing and I will be taking the time to reflect and rest. I hope you all enjoy the unveiling of spring. You will hear from me again in May!
I have a request. I would like to get to know my readers a bit more. Could you take this survey? The more my I know you, the more I can grow Indie Author Digest with you in mind.
Please enjoy a shorter serial that I published here over a year ago (much shorter. Only 5 parts). I came up with this idea during a sibling trip to Lake Tahoe. Luckily, my trip was not marked by so much tragedy and darkness.